You Were There
was written during the most difficult season of my life. People I
counted on, people who should have known better, decided to abandon me when
I need them the most. During this time alone I learned that Jehovah Shammah
(the God who was there) does not ever leave or forsake us. He can be counted
on for He is faithful—we are never truly alone.
There Is A Mountain
has lyrics inspired by Mark 11:23, where Jesus tells his
mighty men to “say to the mountain” and it would be cast into the sea. He speaks
of how to pray with authority, something we are regaining in this generation.
What do people of faith do with these words?, “…does not doubt in his heart, but
believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” I
suggest that we better believe them, or else!
New Wine
is a song that was written on two fronts. The metaphor of new wine in
new wine skins is staple kingdom teaching by Jesus. He wanted His followers to
realize that they must be made new for new revelation to be infused into their
souls. We are the wineskins. But I was always cognizant of the conflict the
church has had with alcohol consumption. A former pastor of mine tried to
convince me that the wine of Jesus day had little or no alcohol in it. Really!
Preposterous. In an effort to promote temperance the church has become
disingenuous on the subject. And yes…I imbibe occasionally. My cousin Luca is
a proud Vingiero in Italy!
For You
was sung by me to my beautiful Terry on our wedding day. I recorded it 30 years later. My love for her remains undiminished. I pray and desire 30 more.
I Will Rejoice is a straight-ahead gospel song. My good friend Sidney Velasquez
sings the lead on this and lends his exceptional vocal talents to the tune. First
sung in a Baptist church filled with the frozen chosen, it has since been sung with
voices raised in praise and hands lifted in worship to the Giver of every good gift.
You Don’t Know Me
can be a little difficult to hear for the squeamish. It might be
hard to figure out to whom it’s being sung, until the chorus comes and describes
vividly the accursed traits of our ancient enemy, il diavolo. The first two verses
speak of his accusations made against us, but ends with a triumphant declaration
of our true identity as sons/daughters of the most high God.
Call On Jesus
reveals the need that we all have for Jesus, regardless of our
situation, talents, occupation, color, etc. There’s a kingdom coming, so you better
stop your running…so says the pre-chorus. He’s the One with the answers,
Jesus is our Savior. In Hebrew his name means salvation. (Yeshua) If only we
would call on Jesus, then He would answer us and save us from whatever we
are facing. He is waiting.
Father’s Day
laments a man going to the mailbox, going to his Inbox, checking
his phone for any word from his children, but there is none. Many parents have
been forgotten and dishonored by their loved ones, especially as they get older
and their children become busy adults. This song speaks of the true “Father’s
Day,” when families are united in love and our differences are forgotten through
forgiveness and love. That day is coming; that day will be the true Father’s Day.
Adam’s Son
describes us all. If we’re honest with ourselves, we notice there’s
something broken in us that needs fixing. We inherited this vein of weakness and
failure from the first father of mankind, Adam. Jesus is called the second Adam,
and he came to seek and save what was lost. Our “rightness” and our
“goodness” has been recovered through the work of Jesus’ cross. He can right
every wrong and give us back the life we were meant to live. As the reprise says,
“I can see Jesus, standing in the gap, making a way for the broken heart.”
Ironically, someone who worked on this song with me, claiming the cross of
Christ, cannot see the Adam-like brokenness still prevalent in his own life.
Gracie’s Moon
One night I stepped outside under the moonlight and admired its
beauty. My youngest daughter, Gracie, loves the moon and the stars. She had
already gone to bed for the night, but I thought how she would have loved the
beauty of that moon. It was Gracie’s moon and so I wrote a piano piece that
interpreted the beauty of the moon that night and the beauty of my daughter’s
love for it.
Shake The Dust
is what Jesus said to do when people reject you for who you
are. When you bring the Spirit of Christ into various situations, and you offer
yourself transparently, fully, and are subsequently rejected, He said to shake the
dust off of your feet and go to another town. I have decided to take His advice
and wherever I am overlooked, dismissed or rejected, I move on, shaking the
dust from my feet. Life is too precious to spend one second of it trying to
convince folks to like you, to want you, to appreciate. If they don’t—shake the
I Believe In You
is counter-intuitively upside down. Instead of a singer touting his
belief in God, this song is raising the awareness of the affirmation we receive
from Him, our good Father. He believes in us because He sees the beginning
from the end; He knows how our story ends, for He always has the final say!
Fall Album Song Descriptions –
Didn’t We Say is a song about the vows and promises we make/take on our